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Disable Stylus Gestures for WinForm

I need to disable all stylus gestures for a winform. I want the stylus to function normally (i.e. basically as a mouse substitute) but the stylus gestures are majorly in the way. Ideally, the gestures would only be disabled for a specific form, but application wide is also acceptable.

Since my app is full screen I could even settle for disabling stylus gestures system wide but would need to restore the original state when the app exits.

So far, what I have is: I catch the WM_TABLET_FLICK message in the WndProc and return with FLICK_WM_HANDLED_MASK, indicating the no further action is required.

That works in the sense that the flick is ignored. HOWEVER, I also loose all stylus movement that is part of the flick. It seems to me that I need to disable the flicks on a deeper level, such that the system doesn't even bother trying to recognize any flicks to begin with.

Any ideas?


  • Solution:


    that disables even the detection of flicks, i.e. no stylus movement gets lost.

    further "info": msdn