I have a problem with my app on mobile device. When i refresh page on browser js not working first time but after i pan and zoom-out script will work.
Here is html file:
<div class="userLogged" on-click="userMenu">
<iron-icon icon="vaadin:user"></iron-icon>
Here is my js:
userMenu(e) {
var menu = this.shadowRoot.querySelector('.userMenu');
if (menu.classList.contains('slideRight'))
Full code of my page
A quick sidenote: the name of your class should be PageControl
as in class PageControl extends Polymer.Element
-- should match the id
of the dom-module.
I would make a property userMenuClass
and do it like this:
<div class="userLogged" on-click="userMenu"> ... </div>
<div class$="[[userMenuClass]]"></div> <!-- Note the $ after class. You need this to get binding to work properly. -->
static get properties() {
return {
'userMenuClass': {
type: String,
value: () => 'userMenu slideRight'
userMenu (e) {
let menuClass = 'userMenu';
if (this.userMenuClass.indexOf('slideRight') == -1) {
menuClass += ' slideRight';
this.set('userMenuClass', menuClass);