I want to store some key value. I see memcache api supports on-the-fly compression: memcache_set( obj, var, value, MEMCACHE_COMPRESSED, ttl )
What about apc ? I cannot find any doc.
My goal, for example in php :
function cache( $key, $value )
$data = serialize( $value );
if ( strlen( $data ) >= 1024 )
$data = 'z' . gzcompress( $data, 1 );
$data = '=' . $data;
return apc_store( $key, $data, $ttl );
APC does not support compression at the moment.
It will probably never because its not what apc is designed to do.
APC is more an opcode caching system than a key value memory database like memcached, altough it can be greatly used for both purposes.
But if just storing data is your goal memcached is probably a better option because thats it purpose and the direction it will be optimized and developed in. It also supports distribution / scaling / replication / you can run it over network etc.
However to give you an alternative. Why dont you just compress and decompress directly in your application right before/after storing/fetching from apc? You can easily define your own caching handler for that. kind of how you did it in your question already. I don't see why apc should do this "on the fly". I would personally prefer to do it in the application for more flexibility and scalability (for example you can scale it to distributet fcgi servers)