How to obtain PID of the current window using X11 lib?
I tried checking the _NET_WM_PID
property of the window and its parents and it was always unset.
In the end, I figured out what I was doing wrong. Code adapted from ARBTT:
getParent :: Display -> Window -> IO Window
getParent dpy w = do
(_, parent, _) <- queryTree dpy w `catchIOError` const (return (0,0,[]))
return parent
followTreeUntil :: Display -> (Window -> IO Bool) -> Window -> IO Window
followTreeUntil dpy cond = go
where go w = do
match <- cond w
if match
then return w
do p <- getParent dpy w
if p == 0 then return w
else go p
getFocusedWindowPID :: Display -> IO String
getFocusedWindowPID d = do
(w, _) <- getInputFocus d
wt <- followTreeUntil d (hasCorrectPID d) w
getWindowPID d wt
getWindowPID :: Display -> Window -> IO String
getWindowPID d w = do
nWP <- internAtom d "_NET_WM_PID" False
pid' <- getWindowProperty32 d nWP w
let pid = case pid' of
Just [pid''] -> show pid''
_ -> ""
return pid
hasCorrectPID :: Display -> Window -> IO Bool
hasCorrectPID d w = do
pid <- getWindowPID d w
return $ pid /= ""
printPIDs :: IO ()
printPIDs = do
d <- openDisplay ""
pid <- getFocusedWindowPID d
print pid
closeDisplay d
threadDelay 1000000
This will display the PID of the focused window once every second.