I want to make a longPress to a message and show two options in UIMenuController
Delete and Copy
but only Copy is showing
@objc func longPressLabel(sender: AnyObject?) {
let copyMenuItem = UIMenuItem(title: “Copy”.localized, action: #selector(copyTapped))
let deleteMenuItem = UIMenuItem(title: “Delete”.localized, action: #selector(deleteTapped))
let menu = UIMenuController.shared
menu.arrowDirection = UIMenuControllerArrowDirection.down
menu.setTargetRect(bounds, in: self)
menu.menuItems = [copyMenuItem, deleteMenuItem]
menu.setMenuVisible(true, animated: true)
Also If I delete all UIMenuItems and I make a empty menu this show me a copy option, it's like it's showing a template and not the options I add
I'm using IOS 11.1 and Swift4.1
Here is an Example
I added this method
override func canPerformAction(_ action: Selector, withSender sender: Any?) -> Bool {
if action == #selector(deleteTapped(_:)) || action == #selector(copyTapped(_:)) {
return true
return false
This helps to say what events are defined. if the action is deleteTapped or Copytapped It will return true and will show it.