I have a windows form project ( Net 4) in C#, and I want to change all of my label.Texts in a loop. but my labels are in a Tabcontrol (in tabpage 4) and i don't know what to do. my labels name are label1 label2 and so.. until label 100.
You could use something like this to loop through the controls and set the label text based on the number in the name.
foreach ( Control ctrl in tabPage4.Controls )
if ( ctrl.GetType().Equals(typeof(Label)) )
string strName = ctrl.Name;
if ( strName.StartsWith("label", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) )
string strNum = strName.Substring(5);
int iIndex;
if ( int.TryParse(strNum, out iIndex) )
ctrl.Text = "your text";