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java.lang.NullPointerException Selenium 2 classes

My program works fine when run from my local machine with out using selenium grid with Remote Web driver. However when i set up the same test cases using selenium grid with Remote Web driver . Get message in eclipse saying:

java.lang.NullPointerExceptionat PP_OBJ_Login.Adminlogin(
at PP_Main.step01_Login(

Now I know the above means that line 38 and line 86 is where the problem is in both classes my problem is i don't know why this is happening when I use selenium grid with Remote Web driver.

public class PP_Main {

     private static WebDriver driver;
     private static String homeUrl;
     //private String homeTitle ="Google";
     private boolean acceptNextAlert = true;
     private static StringBuffer verificationErrors = new StringBuffer();

     public static void setUp() throws Exception {

      //----------This works and envokes IE browser -------
      System.setProperty("", "C:\\IEDriverServer.exe");
      DesiredCapabilities cap = DesiredCapabilities.internetExplorer();
      cap.setCapability(CapabilityType.BROWSER_NAME, DesiredCapabilities.internetExplorer());
      cap.setBrowserName("internet explorer");
      RemoteWebDriver driver = new RemoteWebDriver(new URL(""), cap);
      driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
      String url = "";

public void step01_Login() throws Exception {
 PP_OBJ_Login.Adminlogin(driver).click();-- -> line 86


public class PP_OBJ_Login {

 private static WebElement element = null;

 // WebElement Adminlogin
 public static WebElement Adminlogin(WebDriver driver) {-- -- -> Line 38
  element = driver.findElement("adminLogin"));
  return element;

 // WebElement input Field
 public static WebElement UserName(WebDriver driver) {
  element = driver.findElement("USER"));
  return element;

I want this to work using selenium grid and remote web driver. Is there any way to resolve the null pointer issue?


  • Your Problem is, that you define 'driver' as a class member but you do not instantiate it. So it is null all the time.

     public class PP_Main {
        private static WebDriver driver;
        private static String homeUrl;

    And the driver you instantiate inside setUp() is only valid inside the method itself. Although it has exactly the same name it is NOT the 'driver' you defined globally.

    public static void setUp() throws Exception {
        // ...
        RemoteWebDriver driver = new RemoteWebDriver(new URL(""), cap);
        // ...   

    Instantiate it this way instead

    public class PP_Main {
        private static RemoteWebDriver driver;
        private static String homeUrl;
       public static void setUp() throws Exception {
            // ...
            driver = new RemoteWebDriver(new URL(""), cap);
            // ...   

    This should work.