Just started working with Access 2016 for a project I am on.
How can I pass selected data from one form in access to another?
That Selection will be the determining factor on what data is presented in drop down menus. Basically, if I select a department, I want that departments data to be the "select from" data on the next.
I'm not really sure if this is a clear question, so I've added pictures.
The Goal is to not have to create a new form for every department.
So I am able to link the department combo box with the lineid box with the following Query
SELECT DISTINCT Line.lineName, Department.departmentName
FROM Line INNER JOIN Department ON Line.departmentID = Department.departmentID
WHERE (((Department.departmentName)=[Forms]![Production_Select_Data_Input_Destination].[OpenArgs]));
I need to get the parameter passed so this is not prompt and the combo box for lineId loads a select list of lineId's that are within the selected department.
I figured it out using
Private Sub btnEnterDataInput_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmDataInput", , , , , , OpenArgs:=cboDepartmentName
End Sub
In my first form, and
in my second form combobox row source query.
in my second form.