I have been looking for a solution to print from web on client side this (https://medium.com/@yehandjoe/angular-2-raw-printing-service-56614d358754) is what i have been following it suggests to use qz tray to get access for printer. I have copied the code as it is but its not working.
whenever the function getprinters() is executed it says "qz is not defined"
i have imported packages using these npm commands
npm install qz-tray sha ws
npm install rsvp, this is my printer service code :
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
import 'rxjs/add/observable/fromPromise';
import 'rxjs/add/observable/throw';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/map';
declare var qz: any;
export class PrinterService {
constructor() { }
errorHandler(error: any): Observable<any> {
return Observable.throw(error);
// Get list of printers connected
getPrinters(): Observable<string[]> {
return Observable
.fromPromise(qz.websocket.connect().then(() => qz.printers.find()))
.map((printers: string[]) => printers)
// Get the SPECIFIC connected printer
getPrinter(printerName: string): Observable<string> {
return Observable
.fromPromise(qz.websocket.connect().then(() => qz.printers.find(printerName)))
.map((printer: string) => printer)
// Print data to chosen printer
printData(printer: string, data: any): Observable<any> {
// Create a default config for the found printer
const config = qz.configs.create(printer);
return Observable.fromPromise(qz.print(config, data))
.map((anything: any) => anything)
// Disconnect QZ Tray from the browser
removePrinter(): void {
Kindly Correct if i am doing any mistake or i would really appreciate any other alternate solution
It looks like you need to import qz tray to your provider.
I used SHA.js: https://www.npmjs.com/package/sha.js for encryption and used native promises.
So I added the following lines to the top of the file below the existing imports:
import * as shajs from 'sha.js';
import * as qz from 'qz-tray';
Set SHA for QZ
Remember to tell QZ to use the new sha.js package with this:
qz.api.setSha256Type(function (data) {
return shajs('sha256').update(data).digest('hex')
Set Native Promises for QZ
Remember to tell QZ to use the new sha.js package with this:
qz.api.setPromiseType(function (resolver) {
return new Promise(resolver);