I have a table that is grouped by 'Group Type'. What I need is for the last row to display the sum of the values in the above rows in the Total row.
Below is the code currently but I am not sure how to sum multiple fields at once.
Expected Result
Do I need to add another CASE statement to
CASE when GROUP_TYPE is null then 'Total' ELSE GROUP_TYPE END as 'Group Type',
Sum_Amount, TotalER, [Discount Report]
(select GROUP_TYPE, sum(cast(AMOUNT as float)) as Sum_Amount FROM [dbo].[a]
where cast(ACTIVITY_DATE as date) between @startdate and @enddate
group by GROUP_TYPE with rollup) a
left join
(select [Charge Group] , sum(cast([Earned Revenue] as float)) as
TotalER, sum(cast(Discount as float)) as 'Discount Report'
from [dbo].[er] group by [Charge Group]) er
a.GROUP_TYPE = er.[Charge Group]
select sum(cast([er] as float)) from [dbo].[er]
I would do a union all
before the aggregation. This makes it easier to specify the multiple aggregation sets:
select coalesce(group_type, 'Total') as group_type, -- the easy way
sum(amount) as sum_amount, sum(er) as totaler, sum(discount) as discount
from ((select group_type, cast(amount as float) as Amount, 0 as ER, 0 as discount
from [dbo].a
where cast(ACTIVITY_DATE as date) between @startdate and @enddate
) union all
(select [Charge Group], 0, cast([Earned Revenue] as float) as er, cast(Discount as float)
from [dbo].er
where cast(ACTIVITY_DATE as date) between @startdate and @enddate
) aer
group by grouping sets ( (group_type), () );