I've built my binary with: go build -gcflags "$gc_flags" -o ./bin/grafana-server ./pkg/cmd/grafana-server
, where $gc_flags
is '-N -l'
When I run this file, ./bin/grafana-server
, and attach to it in my debugger (Goland), not all of my symbols are loaded. Further, some breakpoints display the message:
no code at /Users/.../file.go:186
The code I'd like to debug is below:
The section I've added to the original project is lines 186-199
. What you can see is that the execution has made it into the for _, ..
loop (line 196), indicating that query
has data, and we were able to pull data from the database using that query
via repo.Find(query)
. However, query
is nowhere to be found in my debugger:
So I'm unsure what's going on at this point. I'm really really new to golang unfortunately; this is making it incredibly difficult for me to make any progress.
When using Go 1.10 or newer, in order to have a better debugging experience and remove the optimizations the compiler does, you need to build the target application using -gcflags="all=-N -l"
Before Go 1.10, you need to use -gcflags="-N -l"
The IDE adds these flags automatically when compiling an application for debugging.