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Oracle Apex 5 Calendar Drop-down disappears behind column headers of the report

enter image description hereIn Region Position 02, I have a date picker. Then directly below that, in the body, I have an interactive report (with no actions menu). I made it an interactive report so that the column headers will always appear at the top of the page when the user scrolls down. However, when I click on the calendar icon and the calendar menu drop down appears, it appears behind the headers of my interactive report. I have tried to adjust the Z-INDEX in CSS code but that doesn't work.

One note: On the interactive report, when I fix the headers to the report, the calendar drop-down will appear as desired. But, the headers will disappear as the user scrolls down. So, I have to fix the headers to the page.


  • It looks like this issue has been resolved in the new version.

    Did you select the correct div to change the z-index value?

    In the new version of apex, the selector of date-pop-up is div#ui-datepicker-div, to change write in this page something like this:

    div#ui-datepicker-div {
       z-index: 99999 !important;

    enter image description here