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Mysql 5.7 Stored Procedure error

I an trying to create stored procedure in following format : DELIMITER $$

CREATE PROCEDURE `CreateInsertLocation` (tableName VARCHAR(255),ts BIGINT(20),systs INT(20),lat FLOAT,lon FLOAT)
    DECLARE FoundCount INT;

    SELECT COUNT(1) INTO FoundCount
    FROM information_schema.tables
    WHERE table_schema = 'DB'
    AND table_name = tableName;

    IF FoundCount = 1 THEN SET @sql = CONCAT('INSERT INTO ',tableName,'
        (timestamp, lattitude, longitude,systime) 
PREPARE stmt FROM @sql; 
    EXECUTE stmt;

    SET @sql = CONCAT('CREATE TABLE `',tableName,'`(
        `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', 
        `timestamp` bigint(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',  
        `lattitude` float NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', 
        `longitude` float NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
        `systime` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, 
        KEY `LocIdx` (`vtuId`,`timestamp`),
        KEY `SysIdx` (`vtuId`,`systime`), 
        PRIMARY KEY (id)'); 
    PREPARE stmt FROM @sql; 
    EXECUTE stmt;

    SET @sql = CONCAT('INSERT INTO ',tableName,'
            (timestamp, lattitude, longitude,systime) 
    PREPARE stmt FROM @sql2; 
        EXECUTE stmt;



-- When I am trying to execute this query in Mysql 5.7 I am getting following error

  ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the 
  manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right 
  syntax to use near '');
  PREPARE stmt FROM @sql; 
     EXECUTE stmt;

   ELSE SET @sql = CONCAT' at line 10

Can anyone help to improve this sotred procedure ?


  • This should work. Pay attention to order of single quotes as it can get tricky.

    CREATE PROCEDURE `CreateInsertLocation` (tableName VARCHAR(255),ts BIGINT(20),systs INT(20),lat FLOAT,lon FLOAT)
        DECLARE FoundCount INT;
        SELECT COUNT(1) INTO FoundCount
        FROM information_schema.tables
        WHERE table_schema = 'DB'
        AND table_name = tableName;
        IF FoundCount = 1 THEN 
            SET @sql = CONCAT('INSERT INTO ',tableName,' (timestamp, lattitude, longitude,systime) VALUES (',ts, ',', lat, ',', lon, ',', systs, ')' );
            PREPARE stmt FROM @sql; 
            EXECUTE stmt;
            SET @sql = CONCAT('CREATE TABLE `',tableName,'` (
            `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, 
            `timestamp` bigint(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,  
            `lattitude` float NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, 
            `longitude` float NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
            `systime` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, 
            KEY `LocIdx` (`vtuId`,`timestamp`),
            KEY `SysIdx` (`vtuId`,`systime`), 
            PRIMARY KEY (id) )' ); 
            PREPARE stmt FROM @sql; 
            EXECUTE stmt;
        END IF;
        SET @sql = CONCAT('INSERT INTO ',tableName,' (timestamp, lattitude, longitude,systime) VALUES (',ts, ',', lat , ',', lon, ',', systs, ')');
        PREPARE stmt FROM @sql; 
            EXECUTE stmt;