I'm new to elastic search and I really want to implement it in my Django project.
My problem: I want to store a Python dict object
({'key_1': 'value_1', 'key_2': 'value_2', [...]})
and be sure that my search will look each key.
In Django I use Hstore
field and I can access my datas doing
Does anyone has an idea to do it using elastic search and be sure that all my keys for my Hstorefield are tracked ?
Thanks for help !
Here is my Django model:
class Product(models.Model):
code = models.BigIntegerField()
url_off = models.URLField()
creator = models.CharField(max_length=200)
product_name = models.CharField(max_length=200)
last_modified_t = models.DateTimeField()
created_t = models.DateTimeField()
metadatas = HStoreField()
by default any and all fields you index into elasticsearch in your documents will be indexed and available for search and filtering. All you have to do is produce a document that also contains the fields from you HStoreField
. If you want to control your mappings for those fields you need to define them first, for example using a DocType
(0) class (analogous to django's Model
from elasticsearch_dsl import DocType, Long, Text, Keyword,Date, Object, InnerDoc
class Metadata(InnerDoc):
meta_field = Text()
meta_number = Long()
class Product(DocType):
code = Long()
creator = Text(fields={'keyword': Keyword()})
last_modified_t = Date()
metadata = Object(Metadata)
class Meta:
index = 'i'
# create the index in elasticsearch, only run once
Then you just need to create a method on your model that will serialize it into the Product
def to_search(self):
return Product(
Hope this helps!
0 - http://elasticsearch-dsl.readthedocs.io/en/latest/persistence.html#doctype