I want to upload multiple files of any types, and upon failing validation check, I want to display validation messages too.
I have been following f3 doc. and this code only skips the file movement if the file fails validation check.
$f3->route('GET|POST|PUT /uploadfile',
function($f3) use($db){
$overwrite = false; Default: false
$slug = true;
$web = \Web::instance();
$files = $web->receive(function($file){
if($file['size'] > (2 * 1024 * 1024))
return false;
// everything went fine, hurray!
return true;
How do I display message to user on validation fail? Any help is very much appreciated. Thanks.
That's up to you how you handle this. Basically, when uploading multiple files, you probably want to track the errors you produce in an array, so maybe like this:
$web = \Web::instance();
$files = $web->receive(function($file) use ($errors) {
if($file['size'] > (2 * 1024 * 1024)) {
$errors[ $file['name'] ] = 'File too large';
return false;
return true;
if ($errors) {
echo json_encode($errors);