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How to draw directly on an Image?

I've a little program to draw in pixels. It actually works fine, but every time it updates the image via my timer, I notice a flicker. I think that's due to always setting a new source, so my question is: if there is a way to draw directly on the image instead of setting a new source?

Here is my draw method:

private void SetPixel(int x, int y)
    WriteableBitmap wrb = new WriteableBitmap((BitmapSource)image.Source);

    byte[] color = new byte[] { b, g, r, a };

    wrb.WritePixels(new Int32Rect(x, y, 1, 1), color, 4, 0);

    image.Source = wrb;


  • You could try to cast the Source property to a WriteableBitmap instead of setting it to a new WriteableBitmap each time:

    private void SetPixel(int x, int y)
        WriteableBitmap wrb = image.Source as WriteableBitmap;
        if (wrb == null)
            wrb = new WriteableBitmap((BitmapSource)image.Source);
            image.Source = wrb;
        byte[] color = new byte[] { b, g, r, a };
        wrb.WritePixels(new Int32Rect(x, y, 1, 1), color, 4, 0);