I'm trying to execute the redis-trib.rb
utility (used to configure redis clusters) on the salt orchestrator, after executing salt states on multiple minions to bring up redis processes.
Reading the salt documentation it looks like the the orchestrate runner does what I want to execute the minion states.
Indeed this snippet functions perfectly when executed with sudo salt-run state.orchestrate orch.redis_cluster
- tgt: '*redis*'
- highstate: True
The problem is with the next step, which requires me to call redis-trib.rb
on the orchestrator. Reading through the documentation it looks like I need to use the salt.runner
state (executes another runner), to call the salt.cmd
runner (executes a salt state locally), which in turn calls the cmd.run
state to actually execute the command.
What I have looks like this:
redis_cluster_setup_masters_{{ cluster }}:
- name: salt.cmd
- fun: cmd.run
- args:
- srv/salt/orch/redis_cluster/usr/bin/redis-trib.rb create {% for shard in shards %}{{ shard['master'] }} {% endfor %}
- kwargs:
unless: srv/salt/orch/redis_cluster/usr/bin/redis-trib.rb info {{ shards[0]['master'] }} | grep 'cluster_state:ok'
- require:
- salt: redis_cluster_instances_create
But it doesn't work, and salt errors out with:
ID: redis_cluster_instances_create
Function: salt.state
Result: True
Comment: States ran successfully. No changes made to lab-redis04, lab-redis01, lab-redis02, lab-redis03.
Started: 09:54:57.811313
Duration: 14223.204 ms
ID: redis_cluster_setup_masters_pdnocg
Function: salt.runner
Name: salt.cmd
Result: False
Comment: Exception occurred in runner salt.cmd: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/salt/client/mixins.py", line 392, in _low
data['return'] = self.functions[fun](*args, **kwargs)
TypeError: cmd() takes at least 1 argument (0 given)
Started: 09:55:12.034716
Duration: 1668.345 ms
Can anyone suggest what i'm doing wrong? Or an alternative way of executing commands locally on the orchestrator?
The problem is, that you are passing fun
et. al. to the runner instead of the execution module. Also note that you have to pass the arguments via arg
and not args
redis_cluster_setup_masters_{{ cluster }}:
- name: salt.cmd
- arg:
- fun=cmd.run
- cmd='srv/salt/orch/redis_cluster/usr/bin/redis-trib.rb create {% for shard in shards %}{{ shard['master'] }} {% endfor %}'
- unless: srv/salt/orch/redis_cluster/usr/bin/redis-trib.rb info {{ shards[0]['master'] }} | grep 'cluster_state:ok'
- require:
- salt: redis_cluster_instances_create
That should do the trick, though I haven't tested it with the kwargs