I dynamically build a struct for P/Invoke using
const TypeAttributes typeAttributes = TypeAttributes.Public |
TypeAttributes.SequentialLayout |
var typeBuilder = moduleBuilder.DefineType("MyType", typeAttributes, typeof(ValueType));
after that, I construct the StructLayoutAttribute
and add it to the type like this
ConstructorInfo structLayoutAttributeConstructorInfo = typeof(StructLayoutAttribute).GetConstructor(new[] { typeof(LayoutKind) });
FieldInfo charSetFieldInfo = typeof(StructLayoutAttribute).GetField(nameof(StructLayoutAttribute.CharSet));
CustomAttributeBuilder attr = new CustomAttributeBuilder(structLayoutAttributeConstructorInfo,
new object[] { LayoutKind.Sequential },
new FieldInfo[] { charSetFieldInfo },
new object[] { CharSet.Unicode });
which is equivalent to setting
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
Now, the code works perfectly fine, regardless of whether or not I apply the StructLayoutAttribute
to the struct.
flag?Seemingly, setting the attribute is an uncessary redundancy, or am I missing something?
The MSDN documentation for the Type.IsLayoutSequential
property states the following (emphasis mine):
For dynamic types, you can specify
when you create the type. In code, apply theStructLayoutAttribute
attribute with theLayoutKind.Sequential
enumeration value to the type, to specify that layout is sequential.
So for you the relevant part is the TypeAttributes
flag. Specifying the StructLayoutAttribute
is redundant or ineffective, respectively.