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Maven not executing my Ant target

I'm trying to do something really simple: run an Ant task from Maven. Foolproof, right? Wrong.

Here's my pom:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xsi:schemaLocation="" 


    <name>Sample Project Patient Labs Module</name>






                                <mkdir dir="/var/www/sampleproject/patientlabs"/>
                                <copy todir="/var/www/sampleproject/patientlabs">
                                    <fileset file="${}/${}.${project.packaging}"/>
                                    <fileset dir="main/resources" includes="**/*"/>

What am I doing wrong? When I run mvn install, the Ant target never gets executed. Is there a better way to do this? I simply need to copy certain files in my resources directory and the main swf to a local directory so I can test it on my localhost HTTP server.


  • If you look at the usage site of the maven-antrun-plugin you will see that also a goal is specified in the plugin configuration


    I suppose you have to add this.