I tried to make a script to generate log files with the characteristics as follow: "test_date_time.log" my script is like this:
Set objfso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
informacion = " " & DATE & " " & TIME & " "
Set archivoog = objfso.createtextfile("C:\Users\gdlabrui\Desktop\Pick_folder\programs\vbs\ex1 searchAstringAndCopyingOnTxt\" & informacion & ".log",true)
but it appears an error but i dont know how to follow.
Update: Error: Bad file name or number
Code: 800A0034
Source: Microsoft VBScript runtime error.
Using the automatic conversion of DATE and TIME to string is not recommended because the format is only defined by your current regional settings. The format of DATE and TIME will change if the script is run on a different computer with different regional settings. This format could have forward slashes (/) in it that could make your file creation impossible in a single command because those would represents subfolders that do not yet exists.
What I recommend you is to make yourself a function that will generate a string that represents date and time in a format that you have 100% control over. You can take this one below if you want. It will generate date and time in the YYYYMMDD_HHMM format.
Dim fso : Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set LogFile = fso.CreateTextFile("C:\Users\gdlabrui\Desktop\Pick_folder\programs\vbs\ex1 searchAstringAndCopyingOnTxt\" + CurrentDateTimeText() + ".log",true)
Function CurrentDateTimeText()
CurrentDateTimeText = CStr(Year(Now))+ _
Right("0"+CStr(Month(Now)),2)+ _
Right("0"+CStr(Day(Now)),2) + "_" + _
Right("0"+CStr(Hour(Now)),2) + _
End Function