I am having a typescript application using Dexie. I would like to create a new version where I also want to populate the the table using Version.upgrade().
I extended the sample https://github.com/dfahlander/Dexie.js/tree/master/samples/typescript as following:
export interface ICity {
id?: number;
name: string;
export class AppDatabase extends Dexie {
contacts: Dexie.Table<Contact, number>;
emails: Dexie.Table<IEmailAddress, number>;
phones: Dexie.Table<IPhoneNumber, number>;
cities: Dexie.Table<ICity, number>;
constructor() {
var db = this;
// Define tables and indexes
contacts: '++id, firstName, lastName',
emails: '++id, contactId, type, email',
phones: '++id, contactId, type, phone',
cities: '++id, name'
}).upgrade((tx: Dexie.Transaction) => {
{ name: "London" },
{ name: "Berlin" },
{ name: "Paris" }
// Let's physically map Contact class to contacts table.
// This will make it possible to call loadEmailsAndPhones()
// directly on retrieved database objects.
But it did not work as intended.
Has someone a hint, please?
The upgrade function will only run for clients having version 1 installed. A clean browser will go directly to version 2 without upgrade function.
Solution : add a populate function that inits the cities table.
db.on('populate', () => db.cities.bulkAdd([
{ name: "London" },
{ name: "Berlin" },
{ name: "Paris" }
Keep your upgrade function as well if your users may be on version 1 still.