Let an immutable Seq of immutable Seqs be:
val content: Seq[Seq[Double]
that I'd like to transform as a mutable Seq of mutable Seqs:
val mutable_being_inversed_matrix:
collection.mutable.Seq[collection.mutable.Seq[Double]] =
But this generates the following error:
Error:(79, 128)
takes no type parameters, expected: one
val mutable_being_inversed_matrix: collection.mutable.Seq[collection.mutable.Seq[Double]] = content.to[collection.mutable.Seq[collection.mutable.Seq[Double]]]
How to deal with it?
Given this immutable input:
val immutableInput = Seq(Seq(1, 2), Seq(4))
you can switch to a mutable Seq of mutable Seqs by using the varargs constructor:
immutableInput.map(imseq => scala.collection.mutable.Seq(imseq:_*)):_*
which produces:
res0: scala.collection.mutable.Seq[scala.collection.mutable.Seq[Int]] =
ArrayBuffer(ArrayBuffer(1, 2), ArrayBuffer(4))