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Using JavaFX, displaying contents of a hashmap in a tableview

I have a TableView within which I want to display a list of features and properties of equipment which is stored in a HashMap<Integer, CustomClass> that will update when new items are added to the HashMap.
I have tried different ways to get the data to display but been unsuccessful and looked over examples in other questions but it doesn't seem to work. Maybe I'm confused because my javaFX layout is using a FXML and controller class approach that doesn't match most examples.
Can anyone help point out what I'm doing wrong?

Here's the code in the controller:

public class MainController implements Initializable {

    private ToggleButton activateBtn;
    private Label dispTime;
    private Button timeControl;
    private ChoiceBox paceNum;
    private TableView<Map> trainTable;
    private TableColumn trainIdCol;
    private TableColumn speedCol;
    private TableColumn authCol;
    private TableColumn trainTimeCol;
    private TableColumn driverCol;
    private TableColumn driverTimeCol;
    private TableColumn lineCol;
    private TableColumn directionCol;
    private TableColumn locColX;
    private TableColumn locColY;
    private TableColumn destCol;
    private TableColumn timeToCol;
    private TextArea ta;
    private MenuItem closeButton;

     * get all the trains to display
    static final ObservableList<HashMap<Integer, MboTrain>> trainList = FXCollections.observableArrayList(MboTrain.trainList);

    public void initialize(URL url, ResourceBundle rb) {
        reportData(">System initializing...");

         * Identify which train values to list in the train table
        trainIdCol.setCellValueFactory(new MapValueFactory("trainId"));
        speedCol.setCellValueFactory(new MapValueFactory("speed"));
        authCol.setCellValueFactory(new MapValueFactory("authority"));
        trainTimeCol.setCellValueFactory(new MapValueFactory("trainTime"));
        driverCol.setCellValueFactory(new MapValueFactory("driverId"));
        driverTimeCol.setCellValueFactory(new MapValueFactory("driverTime"));
        lineCol.setCellValueFactory(new MapValueFactory("line"));
        directionCol.setCellValueFactory(new MapValueFactory("direction"));
        locColX.setCellValueFactory(new MapValueFactory("currentLoc"));
        locColY.setCellValueFactory(new MapValueFactory("currentLoc"));
        destCol.setCellValueFactory(new MapValueFactory("nextLoc"));
        timeToCol.setCellValueFactory(new MapValueFactory("timeToNext"));

         * mark the columns as Map read values
        Callback<TableColumn<Map, String>, TableCell<Map, String>>
                cellFactoryForMap = null;
         * call the update method to have the MBO pull a list of active trains into the table
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
         * establish table properties and get the data for the columns
        trainTable.getColumns().setAll(trainIdCol, speedCol, authCol, trainTimeCol, driverCol, driverTimeCol,
                lineCol, directionCol, locColX, locColY, destCol, timeToCol);

         * run the callback method to have the columns callback to a Map for data
        cellFactoryForMap = new Callback<TableColumn<Map, String>,
                TableCell<Map, String>>() {
            public TableCell call(TableColumn p) {
                return new TextFieldTableCell(new StringConverter() {
                    public String toString(Object t) {
                        return t.toString();

                    public Object fromString(String string) {
                        return string;

And the custom class object:

public class MboTrain {

     * list of trains created in the system
    private static ArrayList<Integer> trainListPull;
    public static HashMap<Integer, MboTrain> trainList;

    private Integer trainId;
    private double speed;
    private double authority;
    private long trainStartTime;
    private long trainTime;
    private int driverId;
    private long driverTime;
    private LineId line;
    private Boolean direction;
    private String directionString;
    private double currentLocX;
    private double currentLocY;
    private Block nextBlock;
    private Station nextStation;
    private Block nextStationBlock;
    private long timeToNext;

    private Block[] track;
    private Route route;
    private Block destinationBlock;
    private Block currentBlock;

     * generates a default train object and places it in the map
    public MboTrain(LineId m_line) throws IOException {
        int pId = createTrain("MboCreatedTrain");
        placeTrainOnLine(pId, m_line);
        this.line = m_line;
        this.trainId = pId;
        this.speed = 0;
        this.authority = 0;
        this.trainStartTime = MboClock.updateTime();
        this.trainTime = 0;
        this.driverId = 0;
        this.driverTime = 0;
        this.line = m_line;
        this.direction = true;
        this.directionString = "outbound";
        this.currentLocX = 0;
        this.currentBlock = MboTrack.getYard(m_line);
        this.nextBlock = getNextBlock();
        this.nextStationBlock = this.nextBlock;
        this.timeToNext = 0;
        this.route = null;
        if (trainList == null)
            trainList = new HashMap<>();

    public static boolean createMboTrain(LineId m_line) throws IOException
        MboTrain m_train = new MboTrain(m_line);
        if (m_train == null)
            return false;
            return true;

     * update the list of available trains from train model handler
    public static void updateTrainList() throws IOException {
        trainListPull = getTrainList();
        LineId line;
        MboTrain m_train;
        trainList = new HashMap<>();
        for (Integer tid : trainListPull) {
            System.out.println("well, we're checking the trainlist map for "+tid);
            if (trainList.containsKey(tid))
                // do nothing since train already in map
                System.out.println("doing nothing - already in map");
                if (trainLineMap.containsKey(tid)) {
                    System.out.println("train is on a line - creating train on a line and adding to map");
                    line = trainLineMap.get(tid);
                    m_train = new MboTrain(line);
                    trainList.put(tid, m_train);
                    System.out.println("success - we've added train "+tid+" on line "+line.toString()+" to the map");
                } else {
                    System.out.println("train isn't on a line - so creating train with null lineId and adding to map");
                    m_train = new MboTrain(null);
                    trainList.put(tid, m_train);
                    System.out.println("success - we've added train "+tid+" to the map with line=null");

Any help is appreciated!!


  • I realize I'm just coming at this all wrong. So I'm going to follow James_D's advice and look at using just an ObservableList representation of the map and display that list. I'm marking this closed so I don't waste anyone's time on this.