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Genetic Algorithm_Grady et al., Moseti et al.,

I have reproduced the work of Grady et alenter image description here, with the wind in single direction and multiple direction. I have not obtained similar layout though same power(kW/year)

I was wondering if using the case objective function in Genetic Agorithm in Matlab will produce same layout?

Or will it produce different layouts?

Plz advice


  • As were pointed in comments under your question we greatly lack the context and details of the problem you're solving and issues you're doubting about. Still...

    I would highlight that genetic algorithms in general involve a lot of randomness, so exact reproduction of any previous results is practically impossible. You can expect your results to expose similar characteristics, though; but that's what you achieved.

    Of course, the difference you're facing can still be important, but this is impossible to say after such a little introduction to the problem.