I'm trying to figure out how to multiply numbers in python, but I'm having some trouble.
The program should run like this:
Multiple of: 2 (for example)
Enter an upper limit: 10
[2, 4, 6, 8, 10]
The product of the list [2, 4, 6, 8, 10] is: 3840 (this has to be in a separate function and work for any integer)
n = int(input("Multiples of: "))
l = int(input("Upper Limit: "))
def calculation():
for x in range(0, l):
c = x * n
mylist = [c]
print(mylist, end=' ')
def listfunction():
productlist = []
for r in productlist:
productlist = [n * l]
The first problem is that when it runs, it creates more than the l variable specified, the format is also formatted differently, ie [1] [2] [3] instead of [1, 2, 3]
The second part I don't really have an idea on how to do it. I thought it would be similar to what I have like above, but it returns nothing.
the format is also formatted differently, ie [1] [2] [3] instead of [1, 2, 3]
that is because your loop creates a list of one variable each time:
for x in range(0, l): # the '0' is redundant. You can write just "for x in range(l):"
c = x * n # c is calculated
mylist = [c] # mylist is now [c]
print(mylist, end=' ') # print mylist
Instead, declare the list before the loop, and add elements to it inside the loop:
mylist = []
for x in range(l):
c = x * n # c is calculated
mylist.append(c) # mylist is now mylist + [c]
print(mylist, end=' ') # print mylist
The second part I don't really have an idea on how to do it. I thought it would be similar to what I have like above, but it returns nothing.
It is kind of the same...
You should initialize a number product = 1
and multiply it by every number in the list:
product = 1 # no need for list, just a number
for r in productlist:
product = product * r # or product *= r
print(product )
BTW, no need to reinvent the wheel... you can get the product of a list with:
from functools import reduce # needed on Python3
from operator import mul
list = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]
print(reduce(mul, list, 1))