With Worksheets("Tripdata")
For filtercount = 1 To 1
Worksheets("Tripdata").Range("A1").AutoFilter Field:=4, Criteria1:=stationidentify(filtercount, 1)
For Each rowIndex In .UsedRange.Rows
If (rowIndex.Hidden) Then
If (firstpass) Then
firstpass = False
MsgBox rowIndex(2, 2)
test = test + 1
Dim currentstat As Double, finalstat As Double
currentstat = Worksheets("Tripdata").Cells(rowIndex, 3).Value
finalstat = Worksheets("Tripdata").Cells(rowIndex, 7).Value
The tripdata visual look - I wanna somehow get the names on the fourth and seventh cells
Hi, I am trying to get a specific cell with the loop above. I thought the rowIndex was the rownumber on the .Cells(row,column); but it seem like it is not. I am trying to loop through data with filters.
Can anyone help me with this ?
Thanks in advance.
You are dealing with a single row so any Cells(row, column) reference should have 1 if dealing directly with rowIndex or rowIndex.row if referencing a cell on the worksheet.
'put these outside the loop
Dim currentstat As Double, finalstat As Double
For Each rowIndex In .UsedRange.Rows
MsgBox rowIndex(1, 2) 'column B value within rowIndex
MsgBox rowIndex.cells(1, 2) 'column B value within rowIndex
test = test + 1
currentstat = Worksheets("Tripdata").Cells(rowIndex.row, 3).Value
finalstat = Worksheets("Tripdata").Cells(rowIndex.row, 7).Value
'you're inside a With ... End With block so these are the same
currentstat = .Cells(rowIndex.row, 3).Value 'column C value within rowIndex
finalstat = .Cells(rowIndex.row, 7).Value 'column G value within rowIndex
debug.print currentstat
debug.print finalstat