I am trying to recreate the following tutorial CNN with 3 inputs and sigmoid activation functions in keras:
So the number of parameters should be 7 (assuming 1 filter of size 2 convolved over 2 locations (either top 2 inputs or 2 lower inputs), 2 shared weights (shown as 1.0's on the synapses) and no padding in the conv1d layer). When I write the following in Keras:
I only get 5 parameters when I check it in model.summary()
What do I need to do to get the correct number of parameters? There are probably several things that are wrong in my code since I'm new to Keras.
All convolutional parameters are shared spatially (in case of 1D this means across the input sequence). Precisely, the convolutional filter of length 2
is applied twice to inputs (x[0], x[1])
and (x[1], x[2])
, but it's the same filter in both cases and correspondingly the trainable parameters are the same too.
This explains the size of the model you are getting right now: Conv1D
has 3 parameters (weight (2)
and bias (1)
), the dense layer has 2 parameters because the output of Conv1D
is (?, 2, 1)
Finally, I can't comment on the network you're trying to implement. Probably they mean 2 filters (but then the layer will have 6 parameters)... But I'm not aware of any implementation, in which the convolutional layer has separate parameters for each patch.