More specifically a binary number in 2n bits with n bits of integer (including one bit of sign) and n bits of fraction.
What would be the smallest and largest, positive, non-zero number we could represent?
I know how to deal with integer but not sure about the fractions.
A typical binary fixed-point representation is an integer scaled by a constant power of two so the factors involved are
Given a two's complement integer with a sign bit and 2n-1
digits, the range of positive numbers is [1..(2^(2n-1))-1]
and the scale is 2^-n
. So the minimum and maximum positive fixed-point values are [1*2^-n..((2^(2n-1))-1)*2^-n]
For example, C's int16_t
type has 15 digits so its range is [1..(2^15)-1]
or [1..32767]
. Here, n
is 8
making the scale 2^-8
or 1/256
. So the scaled range is [1/256..32767/256]
or [0.00390625..127.99609375]
. You can use this C++ program to calculate the range for different values of n
using CNL.