So I have been trying to find out how to solve a issue that I have been stuck on - Basically what I want to do is that whenever there is a "NoneType" on a value = Skip that function so meaning if there is no value then just skip the rest of the code.
So what I have tried to get is
bs4.find("div", {'class': "clock"}).attrs['data-code']
meaning that sometimes this function is not working all the time so I tried to basically do - If there is no value from it then just continue the rest of the code - Else excute it - what I have done is
if bs4.find("div", {'class': "clock"}).attrs['data-code'] == None:
log("Does it work?")
gettimer = bs4.find("div", {'class': "clock"}).attrs['data-code']
dothemath = int(gettimer) - 189386
releasetime = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(dothemath))
The issue im getting now that it stops whenever it reach to the if statement because it can't find the value and it automatic stops there - What can I do so whenever there is NoneType on it, Just skip the rest of the code?
Use try/except
gettimer = bs4.find("div", {'class': "clock"}).attrs['data-code']
// rest of code