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How do I turn a cats IO into a Effect using http4s

I've got some code that returns an IO but I need a Effect in http4s.

import cats.effect.{Effect, IO}

class Service[F[_]: Effect] extends Http4sDsl[F] {
    val service: HttpService[F] = {
        HttpService[F] {
            case GET -> Root =>
                val data: IO[String] = getData()
       => Ok(d))


[error]  found   : cats.effect.IO[F[org.http4s.Response[F]]]
[error]  required: F[org.http4s.Response[F]]
[error] => Ok(d))
[error]                 ^


  • One way we can get around using a concrete IO[A] is using LiftIO[F]:

    class Service[F[_]: Effect] extends Http4sDsl[F] {
      val service: HttpService[F] = {
        HttpService[F] {
          case GET -> Root =>

    LiftIO lifts will lift: IO[A] => F[A], but this yields us F[F[Response[F]. In order to get things to compile, we'll flatten on F since it has a Monad (or FlatMap) instance in cats due to our Effect context bounds requirement.

    If we want more detail, this is the -Xprint:typer result:

    cats.implicits.catsSyntaxFlatten[F, org.http4s.Response[F]](
                            ((d: String) => Service.this.http4sOkSyntax(Service.this.Ok)
                                                  Service.this.evidence$1, Service.this.stringEncoder$default$2[F]))))))(Service.this.evidence$1).flatten(Service.this.evidence$1)

    And at the end of the world when you want to give a concrete effect, for example Service[IO], we get:

    val serv: Service[cats.effect.IO] = 
      new Service[cats.effect.IO]()(effect.this.IO.ioConcurrentEffect)

    Where ioConcurrentEffect is the Effect[IO] instance.

    It seems that all the good stuff is defined at org.http4s.syntax.AllSyntax trait.