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How to correctly call jsonnet with imports from Python

I'm using jsonnet to build json objects that will be used by Python code, calling jsonnet from Python using the bindings. I want to set up my directory structure so that the jsonnet files are in a subdirectory or subdirectories relative to where the Python code is run, something like: jsonnet/ jsonnet/bar.jsonnet jsonnet/baz.libsonnet

Running should then be able to use _jsonnet.evaluate_snippet() on strings read from files in jsonnet/ that import other files from jsonnet/. What's the best way to do this?


  • The default importer uses paths relative to the file from which they are imported. In case of evaluate_snippet you need to pass the path manually. This way jsonnet knows where to look for imported files.

    If your intention is to process the files you can use a custom importer. (Digression: jsonnet tries to avoid the need to preprocess the source files, so there is probably a better way or a missing feature in jsonnet.)

    Below is the complete, working example on how to use custom importers in Python (adjusted to the directory structure provided):

    import os
    import unittest
    import _jsonnet
    #  Returns content if worked, None if file not found, or throws an exception
    def try_path(dir, rel):
        if not rel:
            raise RuntimeError('Got invalid filename (empty string).')
        if rel[0] == '/':
            full_path = rel
            full_path = dir + rel
        if full_path[-1] == '/':
            raise RuntimeError('Attempted to import a directory')
        if not os.path.isfile(full_path):
            return full_path, None
        with open(full_path) as f:
            return full_path,
    def import_callback(dir, rel):
        full_path, content = try_path(dir, rel)
        if content:
            return full_path, content
        raise RuntimeError('File not found')
    class JsonnetTests(unittest.TestCase):
        def setUp(self):
            self.input_filename = os.path.join(
            self.expected_str = '{\n   "num": 42,\n   "str": "The answer to life ..."\n}\n'
            with open(self.input_filename, "r") as infile:
                self.input_snippet =
        def test_evaluate_file(self):
            json_str = _jsonnet.evaluate_file(
            self.assertEqual(json_str, self.expected_str)
        def test_evaluate_snippet(self):
            json_str = _jsonnet.evaluate_snippet(
            self.assertEqual(json_str, self.expected_str)
    if __name__ == '__main__':

    Note: it's a modified version of an example from jsonnet repo.