I am fairly new to php and trying to get echo "<p>" .get_the_tags($author_post). "</p>";
to echo out the tags associated with the post its listing in the loop.
I was told to "you need to traverse the array" and "This returns an array of tags. Then you have to cross the array if you want to echo it out." but was not told how to accomplish this. I am unsure how to proceed.
Here is the full code.
if ($author_posts) {
echo '<ul>';
$i = 0;
foreach ($author_posts as $author_post) {
/* excluded categories */
if (has_category(explode(',', $atts['exclude']), $author_post->ID)) :
$postdate = date_i18n( get_option( 'date_format' ), strtotime($author_post->post_date)).' - ';
echo '<li>';
echo ($atts['postdate'] ? $postdate : ''). '<a href="' . get_permalink( $author_post->ID ) . '">'.$author_post->post_title.'</a>';
$categories = get_the_category( $author_post->ID );
$list_cats =null;
foreach ($categories as $cat) :
$list_cats .= $cat->name.", ";
$list_cats = substr($list_cats, 0, -2);
echo "<p>" .get_the_tags($author_post). "</p>";
echo '</li>';
if ($atts['postsperauthor'] > -1) :
if ($i >= $atts['postsperauthor']) :
Thanks for any help you can provide
I guess your get_the_tags()
return an array
try this:
$tags = get_the_tags($author_post);
$tagNames = [];
foreach ( $tags as $tag ) {
$tagNames[] = $tag->name
echo implode(',',$tagNames)
echo '</div>';
echo '</li>';
BTW , this syntax is a bit old...