In my app,I use ble(Bluetooth Low Energy) to scan and connect to a nearest bluetooth device(There exists two similar bluetooth devices nearby).I use RSSI to make sure which is nearest and in most cases,it works fine.But I find it not 100% correct when the distances are short.During my test,one is 2 meters away from me and the other is 3 meters,and the RSSI of the farther one comes to be bigger,about 1 in 10 times.Is there any better idea to replace RSSI?
Your problem is very well known and it appears in any localization algorithm using ble beacons. Even if two devices are very close together, they may have different RSSI value due to the Fast fading effect.
The Fast fading originates due to effects of constructive and destructive interference patterns which is caused due to multipath.
To mitigate this problem, you can :
And of course if the two distances are very different the slow fading will be greater than any fast fading effect and you should not have any trouble.