So, I'm not sure if I've been staring at my code so long I've become dumb or if this is a bit too advanced for my current skills. I am trying to make a pickerview pop up when the user presses a button using DPPickerManager and when the user selects a color the title of the button is supposed to change to what was selected by the user. Flowing the directions I was able to link the button and pickerview but I can't get the button title to change. Here's my code:
@IBAction func colorPicker(_ sender: UIButton) {
let condition = ["Blue", "Black", "Green", "Orange", "Purple"]
DPPickerManager.shared.showPicker(title: "Strings Picker", selected: "Value 1", strings: condition) { (value, ind, cancel) in
if !cancel {
//sender.titleLabel.text = value![index].text
print(value as Any)
I keep getting this error: Cannot convert value of type '(Any) -> Int' to expected argument type '(UnboundedRange_) -> ()' and I think its because of the value's index but I am unsure. Can someone please help me?
I have used your code and it's working fine for me.
@IBAction func btnActionTapped(_ sender: UIButton) {
let condition = ["Blue", "Black", "Green", "Orange", "Purple"]
DPPickerManager.shared.showPicker(title: "String Picker", selected: "Value 1", strings: condition) { (value, index, cancel) in
if !cancel {
if let value = value {
sender.setTitle(value, for: .normal)
I just changed following code to get value instead of optional value.
if let value = value {
I’m getting string value there and print fine in console.