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How to add a column in clickhouse

I have a table in clickhouse, say "my_table", which has replicates (my_table_rep1,...). And I need to add a column, of type float64, with default value (-1).

How should I do that?

I would prefer that the default are not actually added to existing entries.


  • The documentation is pretty straight-forward:

    ALTER TABLE [db].name [ON CLUSTER cluster] ADD COLUMN name [type] [default_expr] [AFTER name_after]

    Regarding that:

    I would prefer that the default are not actually added to existing entries.

    There's also a statement in the docs:

    If you add a new column to a table but later change its default expression, the values used for old data will change (for data where values were not stored on the disk)

    So, basically, you have to:

    1. Add a column (without a default value, or with DEFAULT 0, or with something else - depends on what do you want to have in the existing entries)
    2. Do OPTIMIZE TABLE .. FINAL to force Clickhouse to write the new data to the disk
    3. Modify the column and set a DEFAULT -1 so only the new rows would be affected

    An example:

     :) CREATE TABLE my_table (date Date DEFAULT today(), s String) ENGINE = MergeTree(date, (date), 8192);
     :) INSERT INTO my_table (s) VALUES ('1. foo');
     :) ALTER TABLE my_table ADD COLUMN f Float64;
     :) INSERT INTO my_table (s) VALUES ('2. bar');
     :) SELECT * FROM my_table;
    │ 2018-04-20 │ 1. foo │ 0 │
    │ 2018-04-20 │ 2. bar │ 0 │
     :) OPTIMIZE TABLE my_table PARTITION 201804 FINAL;
     :) ALTER TABLE my_table MODIFY COLUMN f Float64 DEFAULT -1;
     :) INSERT INTO my_table (s) VALUES ('3. baz');
     :) SELECT * FROM my_table;
    │ 2018-04-20 │ 3. baz │ -1 │
    │ 2018-04-20 │ 1. foo │  0 │
    │ 2018-04-20 │ 2. bar │  0 │

    You really have to do OPTIMIZE TABLE ... FINAL, because if you won't do that, weird things will happen: