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Mojolicious render_to_string and stash values and output

I'm missing a piece here, hoping someone can point me to what I've done wrong.

Mojolicious app has a route /export that creates a href and sends that data to the export.html.ep template for rendering to a string (going to generate an email)

The template has been stripped to bare bones for testing:

% my $data = stash 'data';
% dumper $data;


The export route function:

use base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
sub export {
    my $self = shift;
    my $log  = $self->log;
    my $href = {
        foo => "bar",
        boom => [ "three", "two", "one" ],

    $self->stash(data => $href);
    my $html = $self->render_to_string();
    $log->debug("html is ", { filter => \&Dumper, value => $html });

My tester is export.t:

print Dumper($t->tx->res->content->asset->slurp);

In my Log I see:

html is $VAR1 = bless( do{\(my $o = 'HASH(0xad01ef0)')}, 'Mojo::ByteStream' );

on STDOUT I see:

ok 1 - GET /export
ok 2 - 200 OK
$VAR1 = '


So it looks like $data isn't making it to the template. Also, I would expect render_to_sting to provide a string and not a Mojo::ByteStream.

How do I get the $href into the template and how do I get text/html out of the template rendering.

(Latest version of Mojo, perl 5.22, ubuntu 16.04 system)



  • data is a reserved stash value in Mojolicious. You could pass the data in a different stash value and the template will get it.

    use Mojolicious::Lite;
    get '/export' => sub {
        my $self = shift;
        $self->stash(data => { foo => "bar" });
        $self->stash(datx => { foo => "baz" });
    @@ export.html.ep
    % my $data = stash 'data';
    % my $datx = stash 'datx';
    bar: <%= $data->{foo} %><p/>
    baz: <%= $datx->{foo} %><p/>

    $ perl get /export
    [Fri Apr 20 18:43:20 2018] [debug] Your secret passphrase needs to be changed
    [Fri Apr 20 18:43:20 2018] [debug] GET "/export"
    [Fri Apr 20 18:43:20 2018] [debug] Routing to a callback
    [Fri Apr 20 18:43:20 2018] [debug] Rendering template "export.html.ep" from DATA section
    [Fri Apr 20 18:43:20 2018] [debug] 200 OK (0.002478s, 403.551/s)
    bar: <p/>
    baz: baz<p/>