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how to prevent cached response from MSXML2.XMLHTTP, vbscript

I'm writing a wscript with vbscript in Windows 7. The script needs to grab a file from an open ftp server, so I must use MSXML2.XMLHTTP object

The file I am grabbing is being cached in a sub folder of C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5

The file that is cached has no "expires" value, and trying to set a value using setRequestHeader method doesn't seem to have any effect.

I will self-answer this in case anyone else needs this solution


  • this code snippet shows how to delete the cached files from the folder used by MSXML2.XMLHTTP, using the concept of the downloaded files will have the extension ".csv"

    <script language="vbscript">
    ' use XMLHTTP to grab content from a URL
    CMEURL = ""
    ' the downloaded files are being stored in a subfolder of this folder
    filedownloadcachelocation =  "C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5"
    ' delete the file before requesting a download
    Dim fso
    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Dim fileresults 
    Dim Directory
    Set Directory = fso.GetFolder(filedownloadcachelocation)
    Dim subfolders
    Set subfolders = Directory.SubFolders
    For Each Folder In subfolders
        For Each FileName In Folder.Files
            ' only react if filename extension is csv
            If InStr(FileName , ".csv") Then
                fileresults = fileresults & FileName.Path & vbLf 
                ' delete the file
                If fso.FileExists(FileName.Path) Then
                    'WScript.Echo "deleting file " & FileName.Path
                    fso.DeleteFile FileName.Path
                End If
            End If ' csv ext
        Next ' each file in folder
    Next ' each folder in Content.IE5
    WScript.Echo "files found that were deleted = " & VbLf & fileresults
    ' now continue with downloading the file using XMLHTTP