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How to handle null variable while dealing with two way data binding in Angular 2+

I am using same component for edit as well as add new entries.

      .subscribe((userdata: Iuser) => { this.personnel = userdata[0]; this.personnel.perid = this.selectedperid;console.log(userdata[0]); }, (error) => {
        this.statusMessage = 'Problem with service. Please try again.'
    else{     this.personnel=null}


Which means that if the this.action variable is add this.personnel will be set to null.

Now in HTML I have elements such as :

<input type="text"   class="form-control" name="PerFullName"  
[(ngModel)]="personnel.perfullname" id="fullname ">

I am getting truck load of errors in console. My textboxes aren't visible.
How do I fix this?


  • Use the elvis operator ? in your html

    <input type="text"   class="form-control" name="PerFullName"  
    [ngModel]="personnel?.perfullname" (ngModelChange)="personnel?.perfullname personnel?.perfullname = $event : null" id="fullname ">

    and the ?? in your javascript to set defaults incase of null

    const j = null
    y = j ?? 'Anonymous'

    And this was answered previously here two-way-binding-with-elvis-operator.