I'm trying to use mutate
from dplyr
with dynamic variables names. I've found a couple of post on SO (here, here and here) which got me closer but not to a workable solution. I don't think much is missing, but I require your help for it.
Here is a reproducible example very similar to my problem. I have tables that have 2 fields, one of them called either AD
or any other name. This field as to be a factor, but could be character or integer. My function need to convert to factor.
t1 <- data.frame(f1 = 1:4, AD = 1:4)
t2 <- data.frame(f1 = 1:4, FC = 1:4)
ff <- function(tt){
# find the variable name
vv <- quo(AD)
} else {
vv <- colnames(tt) %>% .[.!="f1"]
vv <- enquo(vv)
# make the mutate
tt %>% mutate(!!quo_name(vv) := as.factor(!!vv))
With the help of the link cited earlier, I manage to make the function work for table that have AD
(using the quo
, !!
and :=
which were function I didn't know about before).
ff(tt=t1) %>% str
'data.frame': 4 obs. of 2 variables:
$ f1: int 1 2 3 4
$ AD: Factor w/ 4 levels "1","2","3","4": 1 2 3 4
This works well. but when I send a table with an unknown variable name:
ff(tt=t2) %>% str
'data.frame': 4 obs. of 2 variables:
$ f1: int 1 2 3 4
$ FC: Factor w/ 1 level "FC": 1 1 1 1
is now wrong with only 1 factor being FC
I think the problem is in the way I set vv
in the second option which give me the wrong env
expr: ^AD
env: global
vv <- colnames(tt) %>% .[.!="f1"]
expr: ^"FC"
env: empty
Any idea how to fix my problem? I open to base R solution, however it as to be able to fit in a long piping procedure.
You don't need enquo
there. That's for turning a value passed as a parameter into a quosure. Instead you need to turn a string into a symbol. For that you can use as.name()
or rlang::sym()
ff <- function(tt){
# find the variable name
vv <- quo(AD)
} else {
vv <- colnames(tt) %>% .[.!="f1"]
vv <- as.name(vv)
# make the mutate
tt %>% mutate(!!quo_name(vv) := as.factor(!!vv))