I am learning unit testing and Angular, so I am beginner in both. I have referred several tutorials and articles available on unit testing http in angular.
I am not able to understand that what does httpMock does using HttpTestingController. We call function of actual service then why we call it mock? What is underlying process? Please refer some article to get better understanding.
Thanks in advance.
Edit: This is the issue where I stuck with httpMock.
Let's take one of my file as an example, shall we ?
import { SimpleConfiguration } from '../../../../../model/SimpleConfiguration';
import { SessionService } from '../../../session/session.service';
import { TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing';
import { RouterTestingModule } from '@angular/router/testing';
import { ConfigurationService } from './configuration.service';
import { HttpClientTestingModule, HttpTestingController } from '@angular/common/http/testing';
describe('ConfigurationService', () => {
let httpMock: HttpTestingController;
let service: ConfigurationService;
const createFakeFile = (fileName: string = 'fileName'): File => {
const blob = new Blob([''], { type: 'text/html' });
blob['lastModifiedDate'] = '';
blob['name'] = fileName;
return <File>blob;
beforeEach(() => {
imports: [
providers: [ConfigurationService, SessionService]
httpMock = TestBed.get(HttpTestingController);
service = TestBed.get(ConfigurationService);
it('should be created', done => {
it('getConfigurations should GET on postes-sources/:postID/configuration', (done) => {
service.getConfigurations(0).subscribe(res => done());
const successRequest = httpMock.expectOne(service.URL + 'postes-sources/0/configurations');
it('uploadFile should POST on postes-sources/:postID/configuration', (done) => {
service.uploadFile(0, createFakeFile(), new SimpleConfiguration()).subscribe(res => done());
const successRequest = httpMock.expectOne(service.URL + 'postes-sources/0/configurations');
it('updateComment should POST on postes-sources/:postID/configurations/:confID', (done) => {
service.updateConfiguration(0, 0, new SimpleConfiguration()).subscribe(res => done());
const successRequest = httpMock.expectOne(service.URL + 'postes-sources/0/configurations/0');
it('getComponentInformations should GET on postes-sources/:postID/tranches/:trancheID/parametres', (done) => {
service.getComponentInformations(0, 0).subscribe(res => done());
const successRequest = httpMock.expectOne(service.URL + 'postes-sources/0/tranches/0/parametres');
Let me explain in details to you, step by step.
We start by describe
-ing our test. it allows us to group our tests. In this case, we group our tests by feature, and our feature is a service called ConfigurationService. We then provide a callback function : this is the function that will be ran by Jasmine to run your tests.
Next, we declare our variables. Here, we declare 2 variables, and one function : httpMock
, service
, and createFakeFile()
. Those variables will be helpful during the whole test group, so we declare them at the top level.
Then comes the beforeEach
: before every test, this function will be ran, to do something. In this one, it will create a TestBed : this is some boilerplate code that will create some kind of Angular module, to allow your tests to run as if your feature was in a real Angular application.
In this test bed, you need to declare your dependencies : since I'm testing an HTTP service, I have to import the HTTP testing module, and because my test uses routing, I also have to import the router testing module. I laso need to import the service being tested, and I import a SessionService
because I use it in my service too.
After that, I get the service instances of those dependencies through TestBed.get
: this will allow me to spy on their properties, and see their values and if they're called. This will also allow me to call the functions I want to test.
There comes the first tests. The first one is pretty simple and is implemented by default : I test if the service is getting created correctly. If not, it means you're lacking a dependency, or you mocked your dependencies wrong. The expect(service).toBeTruthy()
is the real test : with expect, jasmine expects (duh) the service to be truhty (i.e. it should not be equal to undefined or null).
The next test is a real test : during this test, I expect my function to call a certain endpoint, with a certain verb.
I start by saying that once the call has been made, I have to end the test. This is done by calling done
, which is the callback given just above.
Then, I mock an HTTP call : it means I make Angular believe I'm making an HTTP call, but I actually pretend to. But in its eyes, it's like making a real one : this is what a mock is : you simulate a behavior or a value. As you can see, I mock an HTTP call on a particular endpoint, and I expect a particular HTTP verb.
In the end, if my function getConfigurations
GETS on that URL, my test will succeed, and if not, it will fail. This means that if I ever change the endpoint in my actual service, the test will fail : this test prevents side effects.
The other tests are the same as that, so I don't need to explain them I guess.
If you wonder, I didn't do it alone, just like you i asked for help and followed tutorials. But once you get used to it, it becomes very fast and easy to test your features.
I hope this helps, and feel free to ask anything you want me to explain !