I am having issues with the usage of a carriage return with tqdm.write()
This code works perfectly, it make an animation of a spinning bar
step = 0
for x in range (0,50):
animation = {0: '|',
1: '/',
2: '-',
3: '\\'
tqdm.write(animation, end='\r')
step = (step+1) % 4
But if I create progress bar just before :
bar = tqdm(total=100) # Here
step = 0
for x in range (0,50):
animation = {0: '|',
1: '/',
2: '-',
3: '\\'
tqdm.write(animation, end='\r')
step = (step+1) % 4
I have just a display of the progress bar.
Any ideas ?
This was reported as an issue in the official tqdm github.
The author suggested a correction by using a prefix instead of end
from time import sleep
from tqdm import tqdm, trange
from tqdm._utils import _term_move_up
prefix = _term_move_up() + '\r'
for x in trange(50):
tqdm.write(prefix + "|/-\\"[x % 4])