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U-SQL Compare Rowset Data in scalar expression

I have gone through some articles that conversion is not possible however I have come across an issue where a value is been fetched in the rowset and needs to be used in the scalar expression.

ColumnA is a string value and ColumnB is an Int..

@RequiredData = SELECT [ColumnA] from @Input ORDER BY [ColumnB] ASC
      FETCH 1 ROWS;

IF((@RequiredData == "Something")) THEN

This fails in ADLA with an issue Rowset variable @RequiredData is not a scalar variable.


  • U-SQL is a declarative language and has limited control flow. You can convert your logic to set-based and that will work, eg

    @someOtherData = 
        SELECT * FROM 
            ( VALUES
            ) AS x(y);
    @Input = 
        SELECT * FROM 
            ( VALUES
            ("Something",  1),
            ("Nothing",   2)
            ) AS x(ColumnA, ColumnB);
    @RequiredData = SELECT [ColumnA] FROM @Input ORDER BY [ColumnB] ASC
          FETCH 1 ROWS;
    // IF((@RequiredData == "Something")) THEN
    @output =
        SELECT d.*
        FROM @someOtherData AS d
             CROSS JOIN
                 @RequiredData AS rd
        WHERE rd.ColumnA == "Something";
    OUTPUT @output
    TO "/output/output.txt"
    USING Outputters.Tsv();

    This will output an empty file if the value is not "Something".