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How to find which windows 10 build is installed?

I need to find which windows 10 is installed via a batch file.

If it is between 1607 and RS4 build I will install x.exe if it is rs4 or higher I will not install x.exe.

So I need an if/else statement to make it work?

threshold 1 1507 10240
threshold 2 1511 10586
redstone 1 1607 14393
redstone 2 1703 15063
redstone 3 1709 16299
redstone 4 1803 17134
redstone 5 1809 17650

Maybe to check if it is between 14393 to 16299 or I could just check if it is 1607 or anything else etc.


  • Here's one possible way, using WMIC:

    @Echo Off
    Set "VN="
    For /F "EOL=V Tokens=*" %%A In (
        'WMIC OS Where "Version<'4'" Get Version 2^>Nul'
    ) Do For /F "Tokens=3 Delims=." %%B In ("%%A") Do Set "VN=%%B"
    If Not Defined VN Exit /B
    If %VN% GEq 11082 If %VN% LEq 16299 Set "VN="
    If Defined VN Exit /B
    Rem your install code goes here.


    There were three preview releases of Threshold 1 which are not covered by my WMIC code: 6.4.9841, 6.4.9860 and 6.4.9879

    The first release covered by my first 6 lines is the preview version of Threshold 1 released on January 23 2015, 10.0.9926; every other release since should work up to that point!

    The following releases are covered by my answer:

    • Redstone 1 Preview Releases: 10.0.11082 December 16 2015 up to 10.0.14390 July 15 2016
    • Redstone 1 Public Releases: 10.0.14393 From July 18 2016
    • Redstone 2 Preview Releases: 10.0.14901 August 11 2016 up to 10.0.15061 March 17 2017
    • Redstone 2 Public Releases: 10.0.15063 From March 20 2017
    • Redstone 3 Preview Releases: 10.0.16170 April 7 2017 up to 10.0.16296 September 22 2017
    • Redstone 3 Public Releases: 10.0.16299 From September 26 2017


    This code is added for the purposes of an additional OP requirement in the comment section.

    @Echo Off
    Set "VN="
    For /F "EOL=V Tokens=*" %%A In (
        'WMIC OS Where "Version<'4'" Get Version 2^>Nul'
    ) Do For /F "Tokens=3 Delims=." %%B In ("%%A") Do Set "VN=%%B"
    If Not Defined VN Exit /B
    If %VN% GEq 11082 If %VN% LEq 16299 Set "VN="
    If Defined VN GoTo SkipInstall
    Rem your install code goes here.
    Exit /B
    Rem your code for Threshold or Redstone 4 goes here.