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Highchart - Boxplot - Extra category shown with no data

When I'm drawing BOX Plot chart with Highchart like this : JSFiddle

chart: {
        type: 'boxplot',


where category 2 "Merchant 2" is shown on x-axis even though we don't have data for it.

How can we avoid rendering categories on x-axis when they don't have data in box plot ?

Thank you


  • There's no built in mechanism in Highcharts that'll filter out and hide "unused" categories.


    breaks functionality allows to hide regions on axes. Here's an algorithm that finds the categories that don't have any points above them and applies breaks:

        render: function() {
          if (redrawEnabled) {
            redrawEnabled = false;
            var emptyCategories = [],
              series = this.series,
              xAxis = this.xAxis[0],
              categories = xAxis.categories.slice(),
              categoryFlags = new Array(categories.length).fill(false), // indicates if any point has a value for category with the given index
              breaks = [],
            // find out which categories are 'used'
            for (var i = 0; i < categories.length; i++) {
              for (var ii = 0; ii < series.length; ii++) {
                if (!series[ii].visible) {
                correspondingPoint = series[ii].data.find((point) => point.x === i);
                if (correspondingPoint) {
                  categoryFlags[i] = true;
            // create and apply breaks
            categoryFlags.forEach(function(flag, index) {
              if (!flag) {
                  from: index - 0.5,
                  to: index + 0.5
              breaks: breaks
          redrawEnabled = true;

    Live demo:

    The key to understand how this solution works is that the categories are basically just information how to format axis' labels and position ticks. The tickInterval is always 1 and ticks are moved -0.5 to the left. So if you have categories like this: ['Category 1', 'Category 2', 'Category 3'] the positions of ticks are: -0.5, 0.5, 1.5 and 2.5.

    API reference: