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How to get current keyboard cursor point using c# global keyboard hook event

Im working with a c# application which captures the system events using the global c# mouse and keyboard hooks, But I couldn't get the current keyboard cursor position values while im typing.

Following is my code and it always returns GetCaretPos output as (0,0)

PointDetail curPoint = new PointDetail();
Point position = new Point();
IntPtr hwndFoc;
IntPtr hwndFG = WinApiDelegate.GetForegroundWindow();
uint processID = 0;
uint mainWindowProcessId = 0;
IntPtr activeWindowThreadProcess = WinApiDelegate.GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwndFG, IntPtr.Zero);
IntPtr currWindowThread = IntPtr.Zero;
int thisWindowThread = 0;

this.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate
        currWindowThread = WinApiDelegate.GetWindowThreadProcessId(this.Handle, IntPtr.Zero);
        thisWindowThread = WinApiDelegate.GetWindowThreadProcessId(this.Handle, out mainWindowProcessId);
int activeWindowThread = WinApiDelegate.GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwndFG, out processID);

if (activeWindowThread != Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId)
    WinApiDelegate.AttachThreadInput(activeWindowThreadProcess, currWindowThread, true);
    hwndFoc = WinApiDelegate.GetActiveWindow();
    bool CaretPos = WinApiDelegate.GetCaretPos(ref position);


  • You can find the cursor position using the caretPosition. Try the below code.

    [DllImport("user32.dll", EntryPoint = "GetGUIThreadInfo")]
    public static extern bool GetGUIThreadInfo(uint tId, out GUITHREADINFO threadInfo);
            [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]    // Required by user32.dll
            public struct RECT
                public uint Left;
                public uint Top;
                public uint Right;
                public uint Bottom;
            [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]    // Required by user32.dll
            public struct GUITHREADINFO
                public uint cbSize;
                public uint flags;
                public IntPtr hwndActive;
                public IntPtr hwndFocus;
                public IntPtr hwndCapture;
                public IntPtr hwndMenuOwner;
                public IntPtr hwndMoveSize;
                public IntPtr hwndCaret;
                public RECT rcCaret;
    private System.Windows.Point EvaluateCaretPosition()
                caretPosition = new Point();
                    // Fetch GUITHREADINFO
                    caretPosition.X = (int)guiInfo.rcCaret.Left; //+ 25;
                    caretPosition.Y = (int)guiInfo.rcCaret.Bottom; //+ 25;
                    WinApiDelegate.ClientToScreen(guiInfo.hwndCaret, ref caretPosition);
                catch (Exception Ex)
                return new System.Windows.Point(caretPosition.X, caretPosition.Y);
           public void GetCaretPosition()
                    guiInfo = new WinApiDelegate.GUITHREADINFO();
                    guiInfo.cbSize = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(guiInfo);
                    // Get GuiThreadInfo into guiInfo
                    WinApiDelegate.GetGUIThreadInfo(0, out guiInfo);
                catch (Exception Ex)