I'm trying to compare 2 CSV files with logs info in (logs_all, logs_new) format:
I want to add the rows they don't exist in logs_all from logs_new
$csv1 = Import-Csv $csvLogs_all -Delimiter "`t"
$csv2 = Import-Csv $csvLogs_new -Delimiter "`t"
$end = $csv1.Count
$count = 0
$diffobj = @()
# testtable is the name of the column, adjust it to your column header name
if($csv1.time[$count] -ne $csv2.time){
$diffobj += $csv2[$count]
}until($count -eq $end)
Write-Host "chekking logs"
$diffobj | export-csv $csvLogs_all -NoTypeInformation
but this isn't working well, can some help me?
Have a look at the Compare-Object cmdlet.
The cmdlet does the following:
cmdlet compares two sets of objects. One set of objects is the "reference set," and the other set is the "difference set."The result of the comparison indicates whether a property value appeared only in the object from the reference set (indicated by the
symbol), only in the object from the difference set (indicated by the=>
symbol) or, if theIncludeEqual
parameter is specified, in both objects (indicated by the==
In other words, it compares two objects and tells you the differences.
To compare two CSV files you can run
$file1 = import-csv -Path "C:\temp\Test1.csv"
$file2 = import-csv -Path "C:\temp\Test2.csv"
Compare-Object $file1 $file2 -property ColumnName -IncludeEqual