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Dynamically update instance variable

I would like to make an API call dynamically. API (Get) result must vary dynamically based on the query string passed.

I have hard coded the API URL without any query string, and supplied the API URL as an instance variable:

@apiRequest = HTTParty.get("http://localhost:1880/api/devices")
@parseApiRequest = JSON.parse(@apiRequest.body) 

I want @apiRequest to change dynamically based on user input from a form (I had already developed a form that gets inputs from user's).

Is it possible to change the value of an instance variable dynamically? User's input value must be passed onto that controller as a query string.

Sample image that gets user input: Getting User Input

The instance variable must be updated dynamically as,

@apiRequest = HTTParty.get("http://localhost:1880/api/devices?device_id=123456")

Kindly suggest.


  • Simply interpolate the dynamic data into the api request parameter string:

    extraParamsOrPath = "assemble this from form inputs"
    urlPrefix = "http://localhost:1880/"
    @apiRequest = HTTParty.get("#{urlPrefix}/#{extraParamsOrPath}")

    And make sure the user input is sanitized ;)