I want to use libtiff in C++ Builder. I need to compile it, because distributed Windows binaries don't work with C++ Builder. How do I compile libtiff?
Libtiff version 4.5.1 supports CMake, but I faced some compile errors with C++ Builder 10.3.3. Therefore I created a project file manually.
First, create some header files with CMake: Follow the documentation on how to use CMake with C++ Builder.
Run command cmake -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=bcc32c.exe -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=bcc32c.exe -G Ninja .
This generates following files: libtiff\tif_config.h, libtiff\tiffconf.h, and port\libport_config.h. You could also create them manually.
Compiling the project:
Files you need for your project: