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Python slow for-loop in async func

I am trying to and Song-Objects to my Queue-Object, to get the actual songs I loop over a Playlist-Object from the libary Pafy.

playlist = pafy.get_playlist("playlist url here")
counter = 0
for s in playlist["items"]:
    counter += 1
    s = s["pafy"]
    song = Song.Song(s.watchv_url,, s.title, s.description,, s.published, s.duration,
                     s.likes, s.dislikes,
                     s.viewcount, s.thumb)
    if queue.add_song(song=song):
        print("Song " + str(counter) + " finished")
        print("Song " + str(counter) + " not added")

class Song:
    def __init__(self, url, requested_by, title, description, uploader, upload_date, duration, likes, dislikes, views, thumbnail):
        self.url = url
        self.requested_by = requested_by
        self.title = title
        self.description = description
        self.uploader = uploader
        self.upload_date = upload_date
        self.duration = duration
        self.likes = likes
        self.dislikes = dislikes
        self.views = views
        self.thumbnail = thumbnail

class PlayerQueue:
    list_of_songs = []
    length = 0
    current_song = []
    replaying = False
    random = False

    def add_song(self, song):
            self.length += 1
            return True
        except Exception:
            return False

    def remove_song(self, song):
        if song in self.list_of_songs:
            self.length -= 1
            return True
            return False

    def replay(self):
        self.replaying = True

    def randomize(self):
        self.random = True

    def clear(self):
        self.list_of_songs = []
        self.length = 0
        self.replaying = False
        self.random = False

Should I make the add_song-Method async too?

it takes approximately 1-2 sec for looping over this code once. This leads me into a problem with asyncio, because it will throw an TimeoutError. This error occurs after 30 seconds and for 70 Songs the loop takes more than one minute. Is this loop so slow, because it's run in a async def function? Can I even make it faster?

Here is the error:

    ERROR:asyncio:Task exception was never retrieved
    future: <Task finished coro=<VoiceClient.poll_voice_ws() done, defined 
    at C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python35-32\lib\site-packages\discord\> exception=TimeoutError()>
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python35-32\lib\asyncio\", line 239, in _step
        result = coro.send(None)
      File "C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python35-32\lib\site-packages\discord\", line 276, in poll_voice_ws
        yield from
      File "C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python35-32\lib\site-packages\discord\", line 676, in poll_event
        msg = yield from asyncio.wait_for(self.recv(), timeout=30.0, loop=self.loop)
      File "C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python35-32\lib\asyncio\", line 396, in wait_for
        raise futures.TimeoutError()

Can I make a new task for my for-loop in a existing asyncio.event.loop so I don't run into this TimeoutError? Should I just try to catch it and then continue?

Full code here

Currently running on:

Intel I5 Series CPU

64 GB DDR4 Ram

Python 3.x


  • I am now using another, library to download the playlist. I am using the thread library to run it sepretly so, before joining a vc I start the download in a separate thread, so I don't get a timeout error.