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How to extract specific data returned from web::json::value::serialize() with cpprestsdk/casablanca

I have this code:

wcout << jvalue.serialize() << endl;

which prints out the whole body of json data:

    "data": {
        "timestamp": [
                "_id": "5ad93fc48084e1089cd9667b",
                "staff_id": 172,
                "staff_name": "Michael Edano",
                "time_in": "2018-04-20T01:17:56.787Z",
                "time_out": null,
                "status": ['Leave','Vacation','Absent'],
                "createdAt": "2018-04-20T01:17:56.790Z",
                "updatedAt": "2018-04-20T01:17:56.790Z",
                "__v": 0
        "success": true

Can someone give me an example on how to get let say the _id field and single data of status[] field (which is array)

from data return by web::json::value::serialize() ?

Thank you.


  • You don't have to call serialize to access the json values. Once you have a json::value, which holds a json object, you can traverse it to obtain inner objects and arrays as json::value's:

    json::value jvalue; //this is your initial value
    // this new value will hold the whole 'data' object:
    json::value data ="data")); 
    // read `timestamp` array from `data` and directly read 
    // the item at index 0 from it:
    json::value timestamp ="timestamp")).at(0);
    // from `timestamp` (first item of timestmap array`)
    json::value id ="_id"));
    // print `id` as string
    std::wcout << id.as_string() << std::endl;
    // read `status` array first item and print it as string
    json::value status ="status"));
    std::wcout << << std::endl;

    As you can guess from the code above, calls to at can be chained together:

    // read the `_id` value at once and print it as string
    std::wcout <<"data")).at(U("timestamp")).at(0).at(U("_id")).as_string() << std::endl;

    Everything is well explained here.